Friday, October 27, 2006

Our first day in a new stroller. Some friends of ours traded us (for a season or 2) their double stroller for our single. Its pretty deluxe and even comes with an infant sling. We took it out today in the blustery october streets. Wrenny slept while Finn chattered. Its so good to be out again and not confined to the car. yesterday morningFinn and I went out for a breakfact treat. Just the 2 of us. we put on his big winter coat over his PJ's and walked off in the 8 am darkness to our local coffee shop.I really enjoyed having a little time with just him.

otherwise, i have to say this is a pretty great time in my life. I fully enjoy being a Mama. The house may be in a state of ongoing chaos, but the seas are pretty calm inside my heart. As my learn;ed friends back at the Family Center would say..I feel congruent. Things are aligned and balanced. I sleep, I eat , I drink (chocolate milk and red wine too) I laugh with my kids and my pretty awesome hubsy. Most days I am just in awe that life is sweet.

On the flipside, I really missed my friend Doug today. His leaving the planet in May has left a lingering tear in my heart. I have been thinking again how he really was a man who knew how to love well. especially his friends. I thnk this is because he was well loved all through his life. He was the youngest child by quite a few years. I gather that he was a kid who loved to make others laugh. He was cherished by his family. I hear that through the stories of his sister and brother. I hope that I can love my kids that well. So that they have confidence to love others. To make themselves open to what love can offer. All its frailties and triumphs.


Shari Schwarz said...

wow, so profound. I wish I could have been on that walk with you. I LOVE your simplicity. Thank you for your kind-hearted words.

love you,

Anonymous said...

Well Schwesterherz,

Enjoyed catching myself up on your last few weeks here - what a nesting, and 'hearth' time of just being and learning to be a family unit of 4 with what life has to throw at you. I remember similar moments to the one you describe and the warmth that it all brings to ones heart - geniesse es alles! c.S.