Thursday, June 29, 2006

My friend Robyn looked after Finn for a bit this morning while I went out with a group of ladies for coffee. It was soo great to just sit and chat on the deck of a local favourite coffee shop and catch up. what i love is that our friend Tess said she wanted to go out for a "group hug" and phoned about 10 women and everyone is from completely different walks of life and life stages, and we spent the moring connecting on all levels. Did I mention the double mocha? the chocolate whipped cream?? Almost as good as the fascinating conversations...How I love girlfriends!!!

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

I am now at 25 weeks of pregnancy..and today we took our first photo.
Last pregnancy we diligently took a photo every month...slackers that we are now!! We had a little windfall lately and I got to buy a few new pregnancy clothes. So here I am sporting my minty ensemble (I never thought I'd see the day!)

Saturday, June 24, 2006

A day in the the park, in the backyard..Mike, Momo, Finn and I. Good to go out in the morning and feel the air warming up, even though the grass is still cold and wet beneath your bare feet. Nana and Finn and I hung out at the park this morning-did the whole gamut of toddler explorations complete with slides, sandbox and waterpark. We managed to feed Finn a banana before he nodded off to sleep in the stroller and then all took a siesta when we got home. Nana cooked dinner and then Mike and got to go see a movie while she babysat.

And here on this still warm and almost bug-less night, i sip my tonic and limein the kitchen and wonder what the summer holds. It felt like today was the gateway of the season somehow. First day where sunscreen had to be applied twice. Ditto to pitstick. The sun slowed down the clocks and the day went on and on.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

We just came back from a "Tenessee Three" concert. That is the band of Johnny Cash with out Johnny Cash-who died not too long ago.
It was a blast actually. I am not too familiar with Johnny Cash's music, not having really grown up in it or anything...more like german folk song records for me, but after seeing the "Walk the Line" movie, I was intrigued. Here's a guy with a story and a half, that ends on such a positive note. Its so very hopeful. And because this band has been together over 40 years, and they are such easy going story tellers and performers, was lots of fun. Our friends had bought us tickets a couple of months ago, and it was a concert I might not have gone to...but totally enjoyed.
Thanks Shannons!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

I drove to the other side of town to get dog and cat food at the local Top Crop, and lo and behold, once getting Finn all buckled in and ready for the big Superstore shopping trip ahead, the car didnt start. Didnt click. Didn't whirr. Nothing. hmmmmm....thought I and phoned up my trusty Sccoting husband (see: for advice. Apparently the same thing happened to him lat hight, but he had forgot to tell me.
oh well. thats just how it goes sometimes!

The beauty of a small town is of course our Baker (see happened by, likely to pick up dog food for his canines as well, and push-started me. So Finn and I went for a 20 minute drive on a scenic route towards the airport to charge the car battery. We stopped and shopped and then when i tried to start the car again, she again-refused to obey. Another friendly couple helped to push me out of my troubles this time! Needless to say, we are going to have to push-start it and drive on down to our mechanic for a peek at the alternator.

All in a days adventures!

Monday, June 19, 2006

A quick photo after Mikey's Father's Day Scooter Ride yesterday afternoon. Boys and their Italian import toys!!

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Here are a few pics from the last days...

Last weekend Uncle Robby and his land cruiser came up for a visit from Lethbridge!!!

Mike, Finn, Aaron and Paige at the Sam Steel Parade yesterday morning.

We get to have this slide for a month from the toy lending library...and as is evident...someone here really enjoys it!

Friday, June 16, 2006

The thunderheads are wrapping 'round the house.
The water's running for Finn's nightly bath, and Smee is panting frantically in the laundrey room. He already ran away once this week ...we had a fantastic storm the other night that Mike and I watched with windows open as the sunset eating chocolate. We woke up to a Smee-less kennel, and a phone call from the local Liquidation World saying that they had our dog. Nice folks.

After a week of rainy indoor activity, it seems everyone looked out their window this morning, saw the sun and said "Let's go OUT". Finn and I joined in with the Happy Park People and stayed there all morning with a variety of Stroller Moms, Daycares, school groups and Grandparents minding their Grans. It was a glorious day in the sun.

And now its friday night and I love the feeling the end of the week brings. Like the bottom of a good glass of wine drank slowly and mellowing to the bones.
The lawn is mowed, the dishes done, and tomorrow is "Sam Steele" weekend in Cranbrook. A parade, pancake breakfast, face painting, live music and the works. Mike will take his scooter out for a long ride-that's his Father's day Special Event!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Yesterday had a life-givng sort of moment in it.
Finn got a sliver. Three deep ones actually, from the oldwooden steps to the garage.
After the expected cry, pout and wail of "mamaaa, babaaa", Mike and I took him into the house and prepared for rapid surgery. I cleaned the tweezers, Mike cleaned the little hand. We laid him on the change table and I took his hand and face and told him he was going to be ok, and sang a little song and told him all the things that parents tell their kids to make themselves and their kids feel better. He winced and turned his head and cried, looked right at me but never flinched or pulled his hand away. After about a minute and all nasty splinters removed, i was so very touched by the whole thing.
A little person who trusts ferociously. A little person in such a big world with so many unknowns. It is such an incredible feeling of being loved and accepted. Its a pretty sweet trade off for fatigue and lack of privacy. I'd never trade back!!
I started this whole blogging thing in January, but ran into some gliches as the blog spot i had before required everyone to have a yahoo account before being able to read the posts. So I have decided to go to this more family-and-any-friend-can-read site and hope i can keep you all posted about the newsiest news and current pics of our life here in Cranny. here goes!!