besides the obvious. (Whom i will miss this day the most.)
my other mothers:
My sister Irene, who has always watched over me-as little mother
My Tante Ernel-who always prays for me and keeps my Mama's memory fresh,
My Auntie Dale Ann-who keeps the love of life and simplicity of Joy current in my days,
My Momo-who has never rushed in, but has always let love unfold itself in the mildest and yet fullest, richest way.
Thank you.
for looking after my heart when it needs tending,
for listening to my stories, because I do so need to tell them!
and for believing that i could indeed become a mother myself-
an incredible gift, at which I am still bewildered and beguiled!
We had a party to celebrate on the eve of.
Complete with chocolate, Gin and yes, several more good, nay GREAT mothers.
The thing about mothering is that it is a never-ending circle - passing from one generation to the next, and crossing over within each generation as well. With each mothering experience, we ourselves become richer and fuller. Thank you for being a great Mom, and for raising those two sweeties with intention and love. And thanks for welcoming me into your life so generously.
Love always, Nana
I wish I could have been there! This time we are sharing as mothers is precious. We witness each other's grace and folly. I love them both equally, sometimes the folly more. Jennifer
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