Monday, May 28, 2007

Rainy Monday Morning

It's raining like vancouver the last 48 hours. So while Wrenny naps, I pulled out an old bucket of spelt kernels and Finn is pretty much lost in his own bubble of containers and scoops. I, on the other hand need to get started on some laundrey and floors and ....procratinating by blogging!


Sarah, Grand-Dutchess of Serendipity said...

I am supposed to be packing up the last of our stuff......I am all for the blog procrastination :)

Morganne Jones said...

i am meant to be packing, too. but yet, here i am. perhaps we should start a support group.

Anonymous said...

And I am supposed to be packing for my trip (Yay!!! - Only 5 more sleeps!!). I'm all for support groups!
Love, Nana

Anie said...

well, what are we waiting for ladies...let the "packing bloggers" chapter begin!